Design with Kids in Mind


Does it seem like your house is being overcome by plastic toy trucks, dolls, and books about talking animals? Just because you have little people running around at your house, doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style! It may take a little creativity, but your home can be stylish while still allowing your kids to be kids. Below are some tips to help you ensure that your space is safe, comfortable, and stylish.

Safety first

First and foremost, make sure that items such as bookshelves and dressers are secured to the walls so that they won't tip over on your little ones. There are many products available to accomplish this including furniture safety straps and anti-tip devices so please do what it takes to make your home a safe place!

Choose durable materials

It's likely no surprise to you that children have sticky, icky hands 99% of the time, regardless of the last time you wiped them down. It's important to choose materials that can either withstand rough play, be easily cleaned, or just get better with age. Performance fabrics such as velvet and microfiber clean up easily.  You can easily wipe up spills from leather and the finish may patina with age.


Creative Toy Storage

Baskets and bins are the best way to rein in toys and smaller items. You can find baskets to fit any style and any color palette. Pro tip: find a set of shallow, square baskets or bins that can slide under your couch to keep legos, dolls, or Magna-tiles within easy reach (but out of sight)!


Use built-ins or bookshelves to store toys in the main living areas. Your children will be able to access their toys from behind doors or in baskets on open shelves without compromising the room's aesthetics.


Choose attractive and creative storage to contain the messes. A vintage-style dresser can hold a slew of toys in its drawers and close up at a moment's notice for a clean, organized space.


Toys & art as decor

Give your kid's artwork the artist treatment! Choose one or more pieces to mat and frame and then incorporate it into a gallery wall with other photos and artwork.


Select some toys or book collection as an interesting grouping on a shelf, built-in, or tabletop. Use the toys and books as part of your decor!


As you can see, there are many ways to create safe, welcoming, kid-friendly spaces in your home. Choose furniture with more durable materials, use a piece of furniture or built-in bookcase to organize and display toys, or grab a few pretty baskets to corral smaller items. Lastly, you should have a big box of magic erasers on hand at all times!


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